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公司列表(Company List) > 德国 > Aquafil Engineering GmbH
Aquafil Engineering GmbH


Le nostre radici sono cinque operaie che cucivano impermeabili di nylon. I nostri frutti sono la fiducia dei nostri Clienti nei filati sintetici, nei polimeri plastici, e nei tessuti sintetici e naturali che produciamo.
La nostra linfa vitale è il desiderio continuo di crescere, sviluppare nuovi business e interagire in modo attivo e dinamico con clienti soddisfatti dell’impegno quotidiano che dedichiamo alla ricerca di soluzioni innovative ed allo sviluppo di tecnologie e prodotti idonei ai loro mercati internazionali.

Our roots date back to five workers who sewed nylon raincoats. Our reward is represented by our customers’ trust in the synthetic yarns, in the plastic polymers and in the natural and synthetic fabrics that we produce today. We are driven by the continuous desire to expand, to develop new business and found dynamic partnerships with satisfied customers of our dedication and commitment to find innovative solutions and create new technologies and products that suit their international markets.



   公司地址/Address:Via Linfano, 9 38062 Arco - Trento
   公司电话/Tel:+39 0464 581 111
   传真/Fax:+39 0464 532 267

Tel :+87-027-51516088, 82756160,82756180,82756187,82756301
Customer Service Hotline :+87-027-51518188 ads on duty :+87-027-51518288 Tel :+87-027-63599068
Shanghai Fax :+87-021-51901577 (24-hour reception) Wuhan Fax :+87-027-51516699, 82756183

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Web site address: Wuhan, China Nanjing Road No. 63 Building, 8th floor New Haven Postal Code: 430020