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公司列表(Company List) > 意大利 > CONTI COMPLETT - Conti Complett S.p.A.
CONTI COMPLETT - Conti Complett S.p.A.



Conti Complett was founded in 1963 to manufacture linking machines for outerwear. The company took advantage of the experience and support of a trading company that had been established in Italy since 1884.

In 1978, Conti Complett started to manufacture Complett 780, a "hand-stitch" machine for functional and decorative sewing on men's and women's tailored garments.

In 1987, Conti Complett entered the men's sock sector, the third branch after the outerwear and apparel branches.
Conti Complett follow the strategy of manufacturing special, high quality and high technology machines.
The well-estabilished company policy has made Conti Complett grow in the market they operate in; their machines are sold world-wide. They foresee a "controlled" development, and yet they maintain the features of the family business. The manufacture of most of their machines' components which takes place in their factory requires constant investments in technology and facilities, but at the same time it assures of the highest quality standards, features unlikely to be found when spare parts are purchased elsewhere. Only specific spare parts are bought from well-known, highly specialised suppliers.
Their modern factory located in Brignano Gera d'Adda is in the lead with a top quality production.
In the mid 2006 also the business and administrative seats were united with the production plant thus creating a renewed and much more dynamic activity group, integrated with an ever growing inclination to technological innovation.



   公司地址/Address:Via Treviglio,15 - 24053 Brignano Gera d'Adda - (Bergamo) Italy

Tel :+87-027-51516088, 82756160,82756180,82756187,82756301
Customer Service Hotline :+87-027-51518188 ads on duty :+87-027-51518288 Tel :+87-027-63599068
Shanghai Fax :+87-021-51901577 (24-hour reception) Wuhan Fax :+87-027-51516699, 82756183

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