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公司列表(Company List) > 意大利 > GIESSE - Giesse s.r.l.
GIESSE - Giesse s.r.l.



GIESSE was established in 1960 by Giuliano Sostegni. It was called OFFICINA SOSTEGNI and was dedicated at that time to designing and manufacturing moulds for thermoplastics and die-casting.

Since the technical department was able to design articles and moulds to suit the customers' requirements, the company soon became specialized in technical articles for mass production and medium production lots in the household appliance, food, textile and toy sectors.

Enthusiasm for mechanics led the company to develop and become specialized in high-precision mechanical machining work for the naval engine and power generator sector.
The production range included turbines and compressors, valve housings for naval diesel engines and gas engines, also with stellite facings in diameters ranging from 40 mm to 560 mm.
During these years, GIESSE worked for important multinationals. The company's vicinity to the city of Prato led the proprietor to become interested in the textile mechanization sector at  the beginning of the seventies, particularl when it came to machines for making chenille yarn.

In little more than 40 years, Giesse became a worldwide leader when it came to building textile machinery for fancy yarns, particularly chenille.

Always with a watchful eye on market trends and with strategies planned with the future in mind, Giesse was the first company, way back in 1973, to build the FIRST chenille-yarn machine with the continuous feed function.

The year 1992, when production of the AC 91/E model began, one that was designed in collaboration with the Department for Industrial Technology and Mechanics of the University of Florence, marked the introduction of the first fully electronic chenille-yarn machine to be handled by a computer.

Protected by patents recognized throughout the world, more than 35,000 spindles were soon to be
installed throughout the continents.

The company can now boast of having installed more than 85,000 units and has developed a service guaranteed by an assistance network all over the continent. It was in the last years of the '90's that GIESSE also became interested in ecology, and subsequently patented a device for treating sewage. The product range for the ecology sector thus includes a submersed ventilator aerator, designed and built in collaboration with the University of Ancona. This machine is revolutionary as to performances, and boasts two patents which make it unique of its kind when it comes to efficiency and maintenance costs.

GIESSE, which has always distinguished itself over the years for its high-degree of know-how and the quality of the products it produces, has heavily invested in research and development, cooperating with organizations specialized in various fields. These include the Department of Industrial Technology and Mechanics of the University of Florence, Tecnotessile of Prato, the Buzzi Institute of Prato and the University of Ancona.
Despite the fact that the textile machinery division is becoming the most important one for the company's business economy, GIESSE has continually invested in both human and technological resources in the mechanical and ecology divisions so as to fully satisfy the customers' requirements.



   公司地址/Address:Via Sandro Pertini, 86-88 50019 SESTO FIORENTINO (FIRENZE) ITALY
   公司电话/Tel:(+39) 055 4251002 / (+39) 055 4251009
   传真/Fax:(+39) 055 4251001

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